Identifying And Getting Rid Of Brown Recluse Spiders Around Your Davenport Home

brown recluse spider

Fear of spiders keeps most of us from venturing into the crawlspace, attic, or basement areas. When you are in a dark corner of the basement or attic, you think twice before reaching your hand into a corner to grab a box because you wonder if a brown recluse spider is waiting to pounce. The thought of spiders lurking in our homes is enough to cause one to stay awake at night!

There is no need to live in fear of spiders when you have the Davenport pest control experts from Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators on the job. We are not just trying to control spiders in your Davenport home; our mission is to eliminate spiders in your home.

Brown Recluse Spiders Are The Most Misidentified Spiders

Due to their brown bodies, many spiders look like brown recluses, but they are not. You can identify a brown recluse by the following:

  • Eyes: Brown recluse spiders have six eyes divided into pairs and arranged in a semi-circle instead of the usual eight eyes divided into two rows of four each.

  • Pattern: Brown recluse spiders have a dark brown violin shape on their backs with the neck of the violin mark pointing toward the abdomen.

  • Legs: Unlike other spiders, brown recluse spiders do not have stripes or bands on their long, 1 to 1-1/2 inch, dark legs.

  • Abdomen: The underside of the brown recluse spiders has grey hairs instead of the typical multi-colored underpart of most spiders.

  • Size: Brown recluse spiders have a 1/4 to 3/8 inch body and are smaller than the brown wolf spider and other species.

According to an article by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach of the many spiders in Iowa, A recent review of reports of brown recluse spider specimens in Iowa confirms what we have said for some time: brown recluse spiders are rare in Iowa.... That is not to say there are no brown recluse spiders in Davenport, but they are not as common as the regular house spider.

The Dangers Of A Brown Recluse Spider's Bite

The brown recluse spider is a venomous spider in Iowa that inflicts a painful wound on its victim. Several hours may pass before one notices the red, swollen, and tender wound on the skin from a brown recluse. When possible, apply ice and elevate the area where the bite occurred. Children and the elderly may experience flu-like reactions like fever, vomiting, and dizziness in the initial hours after being bitten. In most cases, the wound will heal without needing medication attention.

In rare cases, the wound from a brown recluse spider in Iowa may continue to evolve into a dry, bluish lesion with red, irregular edges and a central blister. These changes in color and shape indicate that the venom is destroying underlying tissue. If these changes occur, immediately seek medication attention because an ulcer may form as deep as the bone resulting in significant pain and scarring.

The Safest Way To Remove Brown Recluse Spiders From Your Home

Utilizing the pest control professionals at Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators is the best way to eliminate these venomous spiders in your Davenport home. Our trained technicians will evaluate your situation, develop a custom elimination strategy, and apply safe and effective treatments to stop the spiders in their tracks.

Five Practical Tips To Prevent Future Brown Recluse Spider Problems

To avoid these brown spiders in Iowa from invading your home, here are five suggestions you can implement:

  1. Seal cracks leading into the house from the foundation crawlspace and basement.

  2. Replace faulty screens and door sweeps.

  3. Remove rotten logs, loose stones, and stacks of wood from near the home.

  4. Substitute plastic storage containers for cardboard boxes.

  5. Use exterior bug lights to minimize attracting insects because insects attract spiders.

Regular sanitary practices such as sweeping and removing old boxes, magazines, and piles of unused clothing will also deter the presence of the brown recluse spiders in your Davenport home.

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