How To Stop Fall Spiders From Getting Inside Your Home

Small brown spider crawling on a web and debris filled surface.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter if we know something is harmless; it can still startle us. That’s the case for a lot of people when it comes to spiders. Most spiders are not dangerous, but as soon as we see one, we run in the other direction to get as far away from it as possible.

When spiders get into our homes, we can’t just run away from them and hope the problem will go away on its own. There are a lot of different kinds of spiders that can get into our homes and all of them, whether dangerous or not, cause issues that we can’t ignore.

Some spiders, such as black widows and brown recluses, are venomous. Although they are not aggressive, they’ll bite when they feel threatened, and those bites can cause serious injuries and illness

Other spiders, such as house spiders, cellar spiders, and wolf spiders, are not venomous. However, they can still cause problems if they get into homes. They’ll build and abandon webs all over the house. They can contaminate food supplies. They reproduce in alarming numbers. What might start out as a spider here and there can quickly turn into a large-scale infestation.

Having spiders in your home can also be an indication of other pest problems. Spiders need a food source to survive so it’s possible that if they’ve entered your home it’s because they know other pests are there to eat. Similarly, spiders being in your home may attract larger pests that want to eat them.

Autumn is the time of year when you might notice an uptick in spiders in your house. While spider populations were at their peak in summer, most spiders were content to remain outdoors. Now, though, the weather is turning cold and spiders need a warm place to wait out the winter. Your home might look especially inviting, especially if you have any of the following:

  • Easy entry points. Gaps around windows or doors, holes in your siding, and cracks in your foundation are all ways for spiders to easily enter your home.
  • A lot of shrubbery against your home. Spiders often build webs within bushes and shrubs. If these plants brush up against your house, it gives spiders an easy way to move from the bushes to your house.
  • Cluttered storage areas. Most spiders are not attention seekers. They much prefer to hide away in secluded, quiet spots. Cluttered storage areas are a perfect place for spiders to live, but when you go to get something out of those areas you could be in for an unpleasant surprise if you startle them.

To keep spiders out of your Moline home or throughout the Quad-Cities area, it helps to rectify those problems. Seal up all holes, gaps, and cracks around the outside of your home. Cut back the bushes around your house so they don’t touch the siding. Clean up storage areas so there are fewer places to hide.

You can also take preventative action by getting assistance from a professional pest control company like Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators. We can help you identify weak spots in your defenses and also provide year-round protection from spiders and other pests. If you find yourself already dealing with a spider infestation, we’re the ones to call. We’ll inspect your home to identify the size of the problem and the most effective way to treat it.

Regardless of whether spiders make you shudder or don’t bother you at all, give Quik-Kill a call to keep them out of your house. You’ll save yourself a lot of headaches when you do.

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