How To Tell If Mice Have Gotten Into Your Davenport Home

Mice eating bread crumbs.

Winter is a common time for mice to invade homes. Your home may provide all the essentials they need throughout the cooler months - water, food, and shelter. Imagine what their nest may look like as they’re cuddled up in your home’s insulation. With the warmth of your home and the easy access to food, they will have no desire to leave. The problem with mice nesting in your home is all the damage and health risks they bring with them.

Damage Mice Cause In Homes

Mice may be small, but they can do a lot of damage:

  • To maintain the length of their teeth, they are constantly chewing, and this chewing is taken out on your property. Gnaw marks can be left on almost any structure of your home and your personal items.
  • Mice can damage clothes, pictures, and especially food packaging.
  • Wires, insulation, weatherstrips, and more can all be ruined by their gnawing habits. What seems like small damage can quickly turn into a larger problem, such as water leaks, electrical fires, and more.

If you notice gnaw marks around your Davenport home, it’s a safe bet that mice have gotten into your home. Although there are a number of rodents that could be entering, it is important to understand how to identify the most common rodents that try to invade your Davenport property.

Health Concerns Related To Mice In Your Home

  • Their chewing is not the only threat mice bring into a home. They may bring with them potential health risks. This varies, depending on which mouse is in your home:
  • House mice are more likely to spread bacteria than deer mice since they do most of their traveling within the home. They’ve been associated with spreading Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, leptospirosis, rickettsialpox, and other harmful bacteria.
  • Deer mice pick up more germs outdoors. Therefore, they are more apt to bring in parasites such as ticks, fleas, and mites. Secondary diseases can be spread from these parasites. For example, if a tick infected with Lyme disease is brought in and feeds on you or your pet, the disease could be spread to you. They’re known to be vectors for hantavirus as well.
  • Both of these kinds of mice can contaminate your home with their urine and feces, as well as your food stores by chewing through packaging. 

Identifying Signs Of Mice In Your Home

You may be wondering where these mice are in your home. Mice are likely to build their nests in places that provide the right materials.

A few favorite nesting places for mice include:

  • Wall voids, insulation, drawers, the stuffing inside furniture, storage boxes, and more.
  • Basements or attics can be a hotspot for mice since there is less foot traffic from people.
  • Deer mice may choose sheds or vehicles that are hardly used.
  • Mice tend to create runways within a home. You may be able to notice these by droppings left behind, footprints, or even rub marks. Sometimes the carpet can become slightly pressed down along their runway. Mice rarely veer off their pathways, so if you find one you’ll know you've discovered a high area of activity for the mice in your home.

Call In The Professionals 

If you have a rodent infestation, we offer top-of-the-line pest control for you commercial and residential properties in Davenport. Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators can ultimately be more cost-effective and more worth your time than DIY control efforts. Trying to deal with an infestation on your own requires a lot of patience and often includes many failed attempts.

Save the frustration and contact Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators to schedule a free inspection. With our knowledge and experience, you can trust us to create a plan to ensure that your Davenport home becomes pest free and remains that way. Let's get started!

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