Sealing Off Your Quad Cities Home Against Invasive Summer Spiders

the long black and brown legs of a wolf spider are gripping a magenta colored rose in a quaud city gargen

Spiders tend to move inside during the summer because they like cool places that are out of the sun and heat. They also follow other insect food sources that get inside of homes at this time of year—like flies. If you see spiders, chances are there are other pests in your home as well.

Interesting Spider Facts

  • Spiders generally feed on insects and other spiders. They don’t literally eat the insects they kill; they suck the juices or blood of their prey.

  • Research suggests that you are never more than 10 feet away from a spider.

  • A spider’s web is five times stronger than a strand of steel the same thickness.

  • The wolf spider carries dozens of babies on her back. So, if you try to stomp on a wolf spider and miss, you may send her babies scurrying in all directions.

  • Depending on the species, spiders will lay between 2 and 1,000 eggs. A brown recluse spider lays about 50, and a black widow will produce between 4 to 9 sacs during the summer—each has as many as 900 eggs.

Places Spiders Nest in Homes

Spiders will try to build webs in areas that are obscure, such as garages, sheds, and basements. Basements are cool and moist, which is appealing to a spider. Sometimes spiders hide in attics. Window frames can be another ideal place for spiders to spin their webs because they are trying to catch other pests that are hovering around windows—either trying to get in or trying to get out.

Spiders may have one place they spend the day, and another place they go at night. That may be one reason you don’t see them near their spider web—plus, they know that their presence is likely to deter another insect from coming close enough to become tangled in their web.

How to Reduce the Risk of Spiders in Your Home

  • Dust frequently to remove any spider webs, and don’t forget to clean out the windowsills. Other bugs that linger around your windows will be like sounding a dinner bell for spiders.

  • Vacuum regularly to get rid of any food droppings or crumbs that may attract other pests that may, in turn, become a food source for spiders.

  • Eliminate clutter and boxes in garages, basements, and attics that can provide shelter for spiders.

  • Do not leave open food out, and wipe down counters and tables daily.

  • Seal up cracks in your foundation and exterior walls.

Why Contact a Professional

Spiders like to eat insects such as ants, flies, mosquitoes, and even bees. Spiders hanging around your home generally means you have a problem with other pests that they like to feed on.

While not all spiders are poisonous, their bites can cause severe pain and tissue damage. Spiders can also transport bacteria and allergens, which could be harmful to your family.

At Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators, we offer a 5-step process to help you keep your home pest-free—including spiders! Contact us for a free inspection today.

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