Six Easy Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Davenport, IA Home

black widow

Which Spiders Are You Trying To Keep Out?

Before learning spider prevention tips, you should know what you're dealing with. One of the most common home-invading spiders is the common house spider. If you look in the corners of your home, you might see this brown, non-venomous spider.

The fisher spider is also common. Unlike the house spider, it doesn't need to build a web to catch food. However, the fisher spider does bite when it senses a threat.

The cellar spider likes dark places and is often found in basements. Although it resembles a daddy long leg, this spider is a different species. It's harmless but creates messy webs. But there are two spiders in the area you should avoid at all costs - the black widow and brown recluse. Both spiders have painful bites.

How To Keep Spiders Away From Your Davenport, IA Home

While some of the spiders in Davenport are commonly found inside homes, they are perfectly fine outside. They only come inside when food is abundant. If you have insects in your home, you'll probably have spiders. Following these six tips can help you keepspiders away as well as other pests in Davenport.

1. Store Food Properly: Spiders won't eat the food in your pantry, but they will eat the insects that feed on the food in your pantry. If you want a pest-free home, consider storing your food in plastic or glass containers. The tighter the seal, the less likely it is that pests can get inside. 

2. Declutter: A cluttered home is a messy one, and it has plenty of hiding spots for insects and spiders. Don't wait for spring cleaning to declutter. Instead, make an effort to declutter your home every few months. Although you might have the temptation to throw your unused items in the basement or attic, doing so only adds to the clutter. As hard as it may be, get rid of the items that simply take up space.

3. Sweep Webs Away: When you knock down spider webs, the spiders will rebuild them. However, if you're diligent enough about brushing away their webs, the spiders might eventually give up.

4. Fix Moisture Issues: Several types of insects seek out moisture. If you have areas of your home with high moisture, consider how you can limit the moisture. This could mean installing a vent fan, using a dehumidifier, or fixing a leak. When you notice moisture problems in your yard, take steps to address those as well.

5. Seal Up Entrances: Spiders and insects don't just appear in your home. They come in from the outside, and these pests probably don't stroll through your front door. Look for cracks, gaps, and crevices and seal them up.

6. Maintain A Clean Yard: If you have tall grass, messy vegetation, and debris piles in your yard, you will be battling insects and spiders. Take care of your lawn and clean up your yard. Move piles of firewood far away from your structures.

Getting The Best Results

The best way to deal with pests and spiders is to have on-going professional assistance. Here at Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators, we offer home pest control plans that are designed to protect you. Our experienced technicians know what it takes to keep your home pest-free. Call us today for a free inspection or use our online contact form.

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