The Problems Fleas And Ticks Bring To Your Quad Cities Property

a flea jumping on a humans arm

Unless you have animals, fleas and ticks are not usually on the pest radar. But the truth is, any property in the Quad Cities area is susceptible to these tiny critters. And although small, these external parasites can be dangerous to people and animals.

About Fleas

Fleas are smaller than ticks; they are about 1/8th of an inch, making their features hard to make out unless looked at under a microscope. Without magnification, they will appear as dark dots.

They are usually transferred from one animal to another. For example, if your pet comes into contact with a wild animal, they can pick up fleas and bring them into your home, where they can hide and reproduce, going several months without a blood meal.

About Ticks

In the area, there are several common tick species. These species include:

  • Deer Ticks
  • Dog Ticks
  • Lone Star Ticks

Each varies in size and appearance. However, most ticks have a flat body unless they have eaten. And then they will become engorged.

Unlike fleas, ticks are not often found in groups. Usually, one is picked up outside from high grass or foliage. Although they are different, fleas and ticks share many similarities, especially with the problems they cause and how to treat them.

Problems Caused By Fleas And Ticks

Fleas and ticks are external pests that bite a host and sometimes transferring diseases to them. Both pests feed on blood, and like mosquitoes, this feeding process is when they can transmit pathogens.

One of the most common diseases associated with ticks is Lyme disease; if not caught early, Lyme disease can have lifelong effects. Other diseases spread by ticks include rocky mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis. If you find a tick on you or your pet, you should remove it immediately using tweezers and make sure all of the tick is removed. 

As for fleas, they can spread typhus, plague, cat scratch disease, andtapewormsBecause fleas infest in numbers, removing them from your pet, yourself, or home is a process that needs chemicals.

Both fleas and ticks can cause discomfort for the host, creating rashes around the bite area and possibly triggering allergies.

Deterring Fleas And Ticks

If the proper steps are taken, fleas and ticks are preventable. To do so, you must consider both the steps to take on your property and what precautions you need to take when out in nature. For your property, you can lower flea and tick populations by doing the following:

  • Trimming grass and foliage to remove harborage areas. 

  • Cleaning leaves and other yard debris.

  • Removing unused furniture, playsets, and trash.

  • Creating a barrier of three feet using wood chips or gravel between your lawn and wooded areas. This helps keep pests from migrating into your property.

  • Detering wildlife such as rodents, deer, raccoons, and strays from coming onto your property by removing food and water sources, keeping firewood properly stored, and maintaining garbage disposal. 

While you are out in nature:

  • Wear clothing that covers your entire body.

  • Use a spray repellant. 

  • Inspect yourself and your pet during and after being outside.

  • Consult with your vet to get your pet on a flea and tick preventative.

If you can’t seem to get a handle on fleas and ticks in your yard, you should call in the professionals.

Quik-Kill Pest Eliminator

If you live in Quad Cities, you should contact Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators for assistance with fleas and ticks on your property. Our professional technicians use the latest technologies to ensure a pest-free property. Our aim is excellent customer satisfaction. Call us today to get started or use our online contact form. 

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