Time To Start Thinking About Rodents

mouse in illinois home

It may be a bit early to start worrying about rodents in your cupboards, but it is the perfect time to implement preventative measures to ensure that you will not be reaching for your oatmeal some morning this fall and find yourself staring into those beady little dark eyes! Having prevention procedures completed before mice, rats, and other rodents start looking for their perfect winter getaway is the best way to prevent spending the winter with these damaging and harmful pests.

When rodents sense that the seasons are about to change and the cold north winds will soon blow, they instinctively look for a place to spend the long, dark winter months. They want a snuggly home that provides them with food, water and shelter from the ice and snow; and your home will do nicely. The rodents that you are most likely to encounter this fall include: deer mice, house mice and Norway rats. While each of these species has similarities, it is important that you know which ones are invading your home in order to effectively secure it from their onslaught.

Deer mice – These mice are a bit larger than their cousin, the house mouse. They are typically around 5-9 inches in length, including the tail, and weigh around an ounce. They are typically pale gray-buff to deep reddish-brown with a white belly. Their tails are fur covered and dark on top and light on the bottom. The younger mice are smaller versions of the adults and are a lighter color.

House mice – These mice are typically 5-7 inches in length including their dark, scaly tail. House mice are typically gray, black, or brown with tan bellies. They have small, beady eyes, pointed noses, large ears, and short feet. Their unique droppings that are rod-shaped and pointed on both ends can also help identify them.

Norway rats – Norway rats have bodies that are between 7 and 9 inches long and tails that range between 6 and 8 inches making their total body length 13-17 inches! Their brown fur has black hairs mixed in which adds to their grungy look. Norway rats also have lighter colored bellies. They are equipped with blunt noses, small ears and black eyes. Their droppings are also shaped like rods but the ends are blunt.

All rodents have front incisors that never stop growing requiring them to constantly gnaw on items to maintain a manageable length. This means that the structure of your home and your personal belongings are at risk of damage. They are also famous for chewing through wires, which can be a fire risk. Their urine and droppings will contaminate everything they touch and they can carry and spread some pretty serious diseases.

There are some things that you can do to help prevent rodents in your home this fall including:

  • Keep your lawn trimmed and remove debris from your yard promptly

  • Keep bird feeders a distance from your home

  • Pick up all fallen fruit and vegetables from fruit trees and gardens

  • Make sure that trash is stored in cans with tight-fitting lids

  • Repair all loose shingles, roof tiles and siding

  • Be sure that eaves are sealed

  • Install door sweeps under all exterior doors and make sure screens in doors and windows are intact

  • Find and fill all holes in foundation walls

  • Use screens on vents and install chimney caps

  • Call Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators for year-round pest prevention services

Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators can help you keep rodents and other pests out of your home with industry-leading, environmentally responsible solutions. To learn more about our Home GuardianSM Service, Home Guardian SM Service Plus, or any of our other effective pest control solutions, contact us today.

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