It’s Time For Peoria Pet Owners To Be Thinking About Flea Protection

Flea crawling on someone's skin.

Humans aren’t the only ones that benefit from pest prevention. Keeping pests at bay is also crucial for the furry family members in a household. Insects like fleas can cause bothersome ailments for pets, and their presence in the home can do more than just cause your dog or cat to scratch excessively. Knowing how serious a flea infestation can be, and what you can do to prevent populations from taking hold, is the smart thing for pet owners to do.

Problems Caused By Fleas

Fleas are tiny insects that reside within the fur of animals, so dogs and cats are prime hosts for these pests. Once infested with fleas, pets can experience all of the following:

  • Bites & Swelling: Fleas bite the skin of animals, causing itchy welts. Some animals are allergic to flea saliva and can experience more harsh reactions. Once fleas move inside, they can become problems for humans, too, especially for those who let their furry friends sleep in their bedrooms.
  • Scratching: Along with this itchy plague, animals won’t know to leave the bites alone. This can lead them to excessive scratching or biting, more noticeable than simple grooming, and can cause infected wounds and hair loss.
  • Disease: As if all that wasn’t bad enough, fleas are known transmitters of harmful diseases and bacteria. Some common flea-borne illnesses are plague and typhus.

Flea & Infested Wildlife Prevention Tips

Because the problems can be so severe, and because we want to do everything we can to keep our pets healthy and happy, the best way to deal with fleas is to keep them off your property in the first place. It’s also important to note that even households without pets can experience flea infestations. They can be brought in on other pests like rodents and bats, and if even just a few fleas make it inside, they can become problematic.

There are some steps that homeowners can take to prevent flea populations:

  • Flea collars: Equipping all of your pets with vet-approved collars or other flea-prevention treatments is a good way to make your animals less attractive to fleas.
  • Proper pet care: In addition to frequently checking your pet’s fur, especially when they come inside from a romp outdoors, you should also regularly wash their bedding.
  • Yard maintenance: Your pets aren’t the only animals that can introduce fleas to your property, other wildlife can, too. Putting up fencing and barriers to keep large wildlife out, and keeping vegetation and lawns cut short will also reduce the risk of flea contact.

Professional Flea Prevention

Your pets deserve nothing but the best, so if a flea problem has taken hold, it’s best to turn to professional resources. While veterinarians can provide medicines and treatments for fleas and bites that are already on your animals, flea populations themselves can quickly proliferate throughout the whole house. That’s where pest experts come in.
At Quik Kill Pest Eliminators, we have more than 85 years of experience in eliminating pests of all kinds, including fleas. Our technicians know all the problem areas to check, and they will use proven, safe and effective elimination methods to make sure your house is free of fleas. It’s smart to stay ahead of the curve, however, with regular inspections and professional prevention methods that will make sure that fleas never make it indoors in the first place.
Don’t let your four-legged loved ones suffer from the pains of a flea infestation, call Quik Kill at the first signs of an infestation.

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