What Residents Of The Quad Cities Ought To Know About Paper Wasps

paper wasps

One kind of pest that most people in the Quad Cities dread having to deal with is the wasp. There are many different species of wasp that you might encounter in this area, but of the most common is the paper wasp. While some pests are mostly just a nuisance, wasps are more of a concern because of their sting.

Paper wasps are given their name because of the appearance of their nests. These nests are made out of a material that resembles paper. They are also commonly called umbrella wasps because of the shape of these nests.

Since there are over 20 different species of paper wasps in North America, knowing how to tell a paper wasp from other kinds of stinging insects can be really helpful.

Here are the identifying characteristics of paper wasps:

  • Brown with yellow or red markings
  • Six long and thin legs
  • Long antennae and skinny wings
  • Best identified by their nests

Are Paper Wasps Good For The Environment?

While most people are aware that honeybees help the environment by pollinating plants, some people don’t realize that paper wasps and other wasp species do this as well. Because they are pollinators, paper wasps are an important part of the ecosystem and contribute to food production for many species, including humans.

The other good thing about paper wasps is that they can help control the population of other smaller insects and they aren’t very aggressive. Compared to other kinds of wasps, most paper wasps are less likely to sting. Paper wasps generally only attack when they feel threatened or their nests are disturbed.

While paper wasps might be good for the environment, this doesn’t mean they are good to have around your home. Their stings can be quite painful, and can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. Because of this, paper wasps are considered dangerous.

How To Prevent Paper Wasps

When it comes to prevention, the best bet is to try to make your yard less appealing to wasps. You’ll want to make your property a less attractive place for them to build their nests.

While prevention steps aren’t always completely effective, they can reduce the likelihood of wasps coming onto your property, and are a good place to start.

Here are some paper wasp prevention tips:

  • Don’t leave sugary food and drink outside.
  • Store pet food securely and keep it inside if possible.
  • Keep garbage cans sealed and covered securely.
  • Keep pools, hot tubs, and water features treated properly and covered when possible.

Getting Help For Paper Wasp Nests

When you're trying to get rid of a wasp’s nest, you are most at risk of being stung. Trying to get rid of a nest by yourself can be dangerous and leave you with painful stings. The best way to address a paper wasp problem on your property is to contact the experts at Quik-Kill Pest Eliminators for help. Our wasp removal methods are effective and safe, and we can also provide you with wasp prevention assistance. Give us a call to learn more.

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